Crocodylus Porosus aka saltwater crocodile

Feared by many people, this dangerous amphibian is from the largest family of reptile of all. The largest crocodile on the market, this green, scaly, beady eyed hunter is the most notorious killer in the reptile kingdom. The Saltwater Crocodile can weigh up to 453.6 kilos, grow to 4.5 meters long, and live to 70 years old. This crocodile lives in billabongs, swamps, or just any murky saltwater. With it’s long, adapted tail, the saltwater crocodile can propel itself through the water incredibly quickly. This fantastic animal has many different kinds of adaptations. Let’s look at these three. 

The three kinds of adaptations are:

Structural: How the animal is built, eg; cartilage flaps to prevent water from getting in their lungs when submerged 

Behavioural: How the animal behaves, eg; eat rocks to help them sink to the riverbed

Physiological: How the animal is built on the inside/can’t see, eg; Microscopic receptors to pick up movement in the water. 

Look at the table below to see the adaptations I got.

What is your favourite animal? What is one adaptation of that animal? What type?

My favourite book chat from this year…

My favourite book chat book is skulduggery pleasant by Derek Landy, because I had already read the book, and had continued on with the series, and got to keep reading the I was up to as a book chat. I think this book’s genre is either fantasy, or mystery; or possibly both. Basically, there is a girl named Stephanie, her uncle dies, she investigated it, and along the way, meeting an alive, walking, talking skeleton who practises elemental magic. Elemental magic is one of the three magic disciplines. There is elemental, adept, and necromancy. Elemental magic is basically just controlling the elements, adept is stuff like psychics, a combat-based one, and probably the weirdest, knowing all human languages. (Boring 😁) And necromancy is shadow/death magic. I enjoyed this book because it’s a real page turner, and it’s so intense in the action scenes. 

What’s your favourite book that you’ve read? Why do you say that?

Production reflection

Yesterday, on the 28th of November, we had our year 5 production. This play is called Hanging On To The Bottom Of The World, written by Monty python, was a comedy. In the auditions, I got a main roll: Eddie McGuire. I am in scenes 2,3,4,5,6, and 17. As Eddie McGuire, I got to be a commentator. That meant that I used a microphone, and wore a tuxedo. My character was very funny. I kept on calling all of the brides (Australian states) beautiful. The story was basically about Australian history. In this play, there were many metaphors; such as, the brides were Aussie states, representing the colonies coming together to make Australia. Hence the line that Bruce says, the six colonies coming together to make, Australia! Another one, is when WA was late to the ‘wedding’, because WA was thinking of pulling out of the arrangement, because they didn’t want to share their wealth and land. Another one would be the cricket match, representing the debate between the pro-federationists vs. the anti-billites. 

Some PLAs I used were: Courage when I went on stage (I was super nervous), Reflection, when I did something wrong I reflected and fixed it. 

Some shoutouts I have are to Miss Quodling and Tim, for being such  good drama teachers for the grade, and improving our acting skills a lot. I would also like to shoutout to Leo, because he was really over the top (in a good way) when he was speaking to Eddie (me) and Bruce. 

Have you ever been in a play? What was it called? Who were you?